Christian Education is a very active ministry throughout the year at Dorchester Presbyterian Church. Sunday School Classes are available for children and adults from September to May. Our adult classes have different approaches including a communal Bible study or video and small group discussions. If you are new to our church, please try several classes to find your best fit. Our children's classes are broken down by groups and meet in different classrooms in the Education Building as well as the Fellowship Hall.
Youth Sunday School Classes
Our church provides nursery staff for infants and toddlers during Sunday School and worship service. Each Sunday School classroom will have 2-3 teachers in rooms to welcome and consistently engage kids with stories following curriculum prepared by Christian Education as well as time for crafts. The locations for the classroom by grade are:
Class Location | Building |
Infant and Toddler Nursery | E102 |
PreK-K | E104 |
1st-4th Grade (the ARK) | E204 |
5th-8th Grade | F202 |
High School | F204 |
Adult Sunday School Classes
Wired Word: The Wired Word is an adult curriculum designed to help us apply (or at least try to understand) our faith as it relates to current events—be they from U.S. headlines or global. Articles and discussion points are emailed on Thursday or Friday for that Sunday’s lesson. While we technically have a facilitator, all participants are the teachers as we learn from each other’s’ perspectives. Want to know more and get a sample lesson? Please email Jan Moretz Lowry. This class will discuss weekly current topics from The Wired Word. Location: In person, Sundays at 9:40 am, church office
Touchstone Women: NIV, The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, Hardcover / No Location: Virtual via Zoom, Sundays at 2pm. Link and password will be posted September 1st Covenant Class: Location: Virtual via Zoom, Mondays at 2pm. Link and password will be posted September 1st
Dorchester Presbyterian Church generally hosts a year-long class to prepare confirmands every 2 years. Please check with the Pastor or any member of the Christian Education committee if you would like to be confirmed.
Middle School and High School Confirmation Class Big God Big Questions Sundays 9:40 - 10:15 a.m. in the upstairs youth rooms of Fellowship Hall A bible study focused on learning the foundation of what it means to embrace the Christian faith and become a member of the Presbyterian Church. Our students are paired off with an amazing adult mentor. All middle and high school youth are welcome!
New Members Classes Membership – Faith Church Inquirers are invited to attend our new members class. The class includes five 1 hour sessions on consecutive Sundays during the Church School hour. Those wishing to join are received into membership on the final Sunday during a welcome breakfast. Please consult the calendar for the dates. Discover what it means to be Presbyterian and how you can become a member of the Dorchester family.
Safe Place Policy Safe spaces unsafe for ideas - The Phoenix Our "Safe Place Policy" is designed to protect our children and youth from abuse as well as protect our staff and volunteers from false allegations of abuse. Included in this policy are guidelines for Nursery, Children's Church, Sunday School, and Presbyterian Youth Connection. All of our staff and volunteers have completed training on this policy and filled out applications, which includes a background check authorization. It is our hope that through this policy all of God's children feel (and are) safe participating in the mission and ministry of this congregation.
Safe Place Policy (pdf)